Pet CPR & First AID Courses

Be Prepared For Emergencies

Knowing pet first aid and CPR can equip you to handle unexpected situations such as injuries, choking, or cardiac arrest, potentially saving your pet's life.

Promote Pet Safety

By learning how to administer first aid, you can create a safer environment for your pets and ensure their well-being in various situations.

Gain Confidence

Taking a pet first aid and CPR course instills confidence in your ability to respond effectively in emergencies, providing reassurance for both you & your companions.

Class Schedule

Course Offerings

  • Certification Classes for Pet Parents

  • Certification Classes for Pet Professionals

  • Certification Classes for Pet Lovers

All courses are in-person, 4-5 hours and are geared towards the types of situations pet parents or pet professionals may encounter in their daily lives.

Course certifications are valid for 2 years upon completion.

What will I learn in the class?

Skills you will learn in one of our classes include:

  • choking management

  • rescue breathing

  • heat and cold-related injuries

  • how to transport an injured pet

  • what items should be included in your pet first aid kit

  • three different pet CPR techniques

  • bleeding protocols

  • poisonings

  • insect or snake bites

  • performing a snout-to-tail assessment (for wellness or injury)