What Instructions Do You Leave to Your Pet Sitter to Ensure Your Pet’s Happiness?

Hey there, dog paw-rents! If you're planning a vacation or need someone to look after your furry friend, hiring a certified professional pet sitter like me is a great idea. 

Let’s look at this scenario. A fluffy golden retriever Max was scheduled to be taken cared for by a pet sitter, while his family went on vacation. They family gave instructions, but a few important details were missing. One day, in the kitchen the sitter was washing his dog bowl, he sneaked into the pantry and had a feast with all the dog treats. Not only that, he decided to redecorate the living room with the trash he managed to pull out of the bin.

The horror!

That’s when the sitter realized how crucial detailed instructions are had they known Max was a treat motivated and thorough redecorator. By covering all the bases at the meet n greet and leaving directions, you can ensure your dog's well-being and prevent any mischief.  So, what instructions do you leave your pet sitter?

Let’s jump right in….

What instructions do you leave your pet sitter?

Tips for first-time clients

Feeding Routine

First things first, your pet needs to eat! Tell the sitter how much food to give and the time of day. If your pet has special dietary needs or allergies, make sure to mention those too.

  • Example: "Feed Max 1 cup of dry food at 7 AM and 6 PM. He can’t eat chicken because it makes him itchy."

Water Intake

Always keep your pet’s water bowl full of fresh water. Let the sitter know if there’s a special way your pet likes to drink.

  • Example: "Max prefers her water cold, so please add ice cubes."

Walks and Exercise

Pets need exercise to stay healthy and happy. Inform the sitter how often and for how long your pet needs to be walked. If your pet has favorite walking routes or parks, be sure to mention them.

  • Example: "Walk Max for 30 minutes in the morning and at night. He loves the park down the street. Bring treats."

Bathroom Breaks

Make sure your sitter knows your pet’s bathroom routine. Tell them where your pet prefers to go and how often they need a potty break.

  • Example: "Max needs to go out every 4 hours. He usually goes in the backyard."


Pets love to play! Share your pet’s favorite toys and games with the sitter. This keeps your pet entertained and happy.

  • Example: "Max loves playing fetch with her blue ball and enjoys tug-of-war with her rope toy."

Special Care and Medications

If your pet needs any special care or medication, leave detailed instructions. Specify how and when to administer the medicine.

  • Example: "Give Max his medicine at 8 AM and 8 PM. He doesn’t like his pill, so you can deceive him by hiding it inside a slice of cheese."

Emergency Contacts

In case something unexpected happens, the sitter needs to know who to call. Leave the number for your vet and a friend or family member who can help in an emergency.

  • Example: "If there’s an emergency, call Dr. Smith at 555-1234. If you can’t reach me, contact my neighbor, Mrs. Green, at 555-5678."

House Rules

Every house has its rules, and your pet sitter needs to know them too. Let them know where your pet is allowed to go and any off-limits areas.

  • Example: "Max is not allowed on the couch. He sleeps in his bed in the living room."

Personality and Habits

Share any quirks or habits your pet has. This helps the sitter understand your pet better and provide the best care.

  • Example: "Max gets scared during thunderstorms, so he might need extra cuddles."

Contact Information

Lastly, make sure the sitter can reach you if they have any questions or need help. Leave your phone number and any other way they can contact you.

  • Example: "You can reach me on my cell at 555-7890 or email me at example@example.com."

Leaving clear and detailed instructions makes it easier for your pet sitter to take great care of your furry friend. With these tips, you can enjoy your time away knowing your pet is in good hands.







Roxanne’s Onboarding Process and Expectations

Here’s how our onboarding process works at Pet Nation Omaha LLC:

Schedule A Meet n Greet ($10)

We’ll arrange a time for me to come to your home, meet you and your pets, and discuss their routines and any special needs. The $10 covers time and travel spent, if you proceed to book with us, we will apply the $10 from the meet n greet to your first reservation.

Registration Invite

After our meet and greet, you’ll activate your account on the Precise Petcare portal. Here, you'll create profiles, review policies, schedule services, and make payments.

Book Our Services

Once your first reservation is set, you can book future services through the Precise Petcare portal. It’s best to book at least 4 weeks in advance to ensure availability.

Start Preparations

Document specific care requirements for your pet, like medication schedules or dietary needs, so I have all the necessary information.

Before You Leave

Prepare supplies including food, toys, litter, medical history, house information, and emergency procedures. This helps ensure your pet receives proper care while you’re away.

Relax & Enjoy

Enjoy your time away knowing your pet is in good hands with a reliable care plan.

I look forward to meeting you and your baby! To learn more, click here. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare my home for the pet sitter?

Great question! Here are some additional tips to ensure everything goes smoothly:

  1. Pet Identification: Make sure your pet's ID tags and microchip information are up to date with your contact details.

  2. Pet's Health Records: Leave a copy of your pet’s health records, including vaccination history and any medical conditions.

  3. Pet's Favorite Spots: Show me your pet’s favorite hiding or resting spots, so I know where to find them if they’re feeling shy or anxious.

  4. Behavioral Notes: Share any behavioral quirks or triggers your pet might have, like fear of thunderstorms or dislike of other dogs.

  5. Home Tour: Give a quick tour of your home to point out important areas like food storage, litter box location, and preferred potty spots.

  6. Waste Disposal: Show me where to dispose of pet waste and any cleaning protocols you prefer.

  7. Safety Precautions: Ensure hazardous materials are out of reach and secure any potential escape routes.

How Often Will I Receive Updates About My Pet?

Thanks for asking. Keeping you informed about your pet is a priority. Here’s how I’ll keep you updated:

  1. Daily Updates: I’ll send you daily updates via text or email, including photos and notes about how your pet is doing.

  2. Regular Check-Ins: If your pet has any special needs or if there’s something specific you want to know, I can provide more frequent check-ins.

  3. Emergency Notifications: In case of any urgent issues or emergencies, I will contact you immediately.

Let me know your preferred method of communication, and I'll make sure you stay connected and reassured while you're away.

How can I send payment to my pet sitter?

Here at Pet Nation Omaha, the Precise Petcare Portal makes handling payments easy and convenient. Aside from that, this portal allows you to book our services, and sign our terms and policies. 


So, what instructions do you leave your pet sitter? By preparing detailed instructions and booking my services, you can relax knowing your pet is in good hands. 

Let's make sure your furry friend is happy and well-cared for while you're away.


Why Pet Immunization Month Matters: Keeping Your Furry Friends Safe and Healthy


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